1.1 Primary Applicant’s information

*The Primary Applicant is the license holder responsible for the research project and accountable for the conduct of all research team members

1.2 Research Leadership

The NRI is collecting the following information to better track Inuit and/or Nunavummiut leadership in licensed research.


Check all that apply to the primary applicant(s):


Is the proposed research led by or partnered with a Nunavut-based organization?

If yes, please specify:

1.3 Team members to be included on the research license
Full name Affiliation Role Nunavut Inuit Nunavut Resident Operations
Nunavut Inuit
Nunavut Resident
2.1 Research Project Title

Keywords (refer to the topics list in the Isirvik Research Portal):
Go to their website here.

2.2 Research Discipline
2.21 options

Please select all that apply:

If you are applying for a license to conduct health or social sciences research, please provide additional information described in Annex A.

If you are applying for a license to conduct physical/natural sciences research, please provide additional information described in Annex B

2.3 Research Project Timeline

Date range for research activities in the current calendar year:

* Please notify the NRI immediately if you change or cancel your research dates in the current year.

Is this application for a multi-year research project?

Is this application for a multi-year research project?

If Yes, please provide the date range of the multi-year project.

NOTE: Multi-year research licenses may be renewed for two additional and consecutive years without a new application UNLESS there are substantial changes to your project (e.g. new field locations, new research methods, additional team members).

Contact the NRI for instructions or information on multi-year license renewals. A new application is required every three years.

2.4 Research Locations in Nunavut
Community Field site coordinates Operations
2.5 Sources of Research Funding

Please identify the source(s) of funding for the project (check all that apply)

3.1 Plain Language Project Description

Please attach a non-technical project description, no more than 750 words, in plain English and Inuktitut (or Inuinnaqtun, if research will occur in Kugluktuk and/or Cambridge Bay). The non-technical project description should provide the following details:

  • Project Title;
  • Primary Applicant’s Name and Affiliation;
  • Summary of project background, research questions and objectives;
  • Justification for the study;
  • Where, when, and how long the field research will be take place;
  • Methods used to conduct the research; and
  • How, when, and with whom research results will be shared in Nunavut.
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Allowed file types: jpg jpeg pdf doc docx.

3.2 Detailed Technical Project Description

Please attach a technical description of the proposed research including the following information:

a) Objectives: short-term and long-term objectives for the project

b) Background and Rationale: the state of knowledge and research related to the problem or question(s) being investigated. Explain the history and development of the research questions and justify the significance of and need for the project.

c) Progress to Date: Describe the results of any work completed to date on the project. Include information on progress in the areas of capacity building, communications, and integration of Inuit knowledge.

d) Recruitment: How will each type of participant be recruited, who will recruit each type of participant, and what materials will be used for or during recruitment.

e) Methodology: Describe and justify the research design, research methodology, data analysis techniques, and the ethical research protocols to be followed (e.g. protocols to secure informed consent, community engagement). Explain where and when the work will be carried out and justify the selection of research locations.

f) Data management: Describe your data management plan, and explain the principles and protocols for collecting, sharing, storing, and using data and information collected from or about Inuit and/or Nunavut.

g) Research outputs: Describe the major research outputs to be generated through the project (academic theses, publications, presentations, reports, etc.); describe specifically how and when research results will be validated with and communicated to research participants and impacted organizations in Nunavut.

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4.1 Community Consultation, Involvement and Local Benefits
Have you consulted or involved Nunavut residents and/or organizations in developing the research project prior to submitting your application?

Have you consulted or involved Nunavut residents and/or organizations in developing the research project prior to submitting your application?

If Yes, please describe engagement, consultation and/or collaboration activities and results. If no, please explain why not. Include any information/advice received from or about the community or communities.

* Attach any letters or correspondence from Nunavut organizations expressing support for the project.

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Describe how the project will directly benefit Nunavut residents and/or organizations (e.g. training, employment, contract services, equipment donations, community research priority, community data request, etc.) If applicable, describe how the project will benefit wildlife and the environment, including long-term datasets.

4.2 Potential Harm and/or Disruption resulting from the Research

Please describe any potential harm and/or disruption that the project might cause to Nunavut residents and/or to wildlife and the environment.

What steps will be taken to minimize and avoid any harm and/or disruption resulting from the research activities?

Annex A. Supplementary Information required for Applicants wishing to conduct Health and Social Sciences Research

Primary Applicant’s Proof of Ethical Research Competence

If you are affiliated with an Institutional Research Ethics Board (REB), please attach a copy of the REB certificate of approval for the project.

* All project team members affiliated with an Institutional REB must submit individual REB approval certificates for their involvement if not covered under the Primary Applicant.

If you are not affiliated with an institutional Research Ethics Board, please provide proof of completion of the online tutorial CORE-2022 (Course on Research Ethics) offered by the Tri- Council Panel on Research Ethics. This course is available at: TCPS 2: CORE-2022 (tcps2core.ca)

* Proof of completion of alternative research ethics training or another form of assurance of ethical research competence will also be considered.

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Secondary Use of identifiable personal information about Nunavut residents

Will your project involve secondary use of identifiable personal information about Nunavut residents (e.g. medical chart information) that was collected for a purpose other than your research project?

* If you intend to use the personal information of Nunavut residents for secondary research purposes without securing consent you must request a waiver of consent from the NRI. Provide a sufficient and detailed rationale for why it would not be reasonable, feasible or practical to obtain individual consent to use the personal information.


Are you requesting a waiver of consent for secondary use of identifiable personal information about Nunavut residents in research?

* For more information on the requirements for securing a waiver of consent, please consult the NRI’s guidance document: Health Research in Nunavut: Special Considerations for Remote Data Collection.

Annex B. Supplementary Information required for Applicants wishing to conduct Physical/Natural Sciences Research

Status of Nunavut Regulatory Board Review and Screening

Has the project already been reviewed by the Nunavut Planning Commission?


Has this project already been screened by the Nunavut Impact Review Board?

If you are renewing a research license for a project that was previously screened by NIRB, please attach a description of any proposed significant changes to the project scope.

Examples of significant changes in your project scope include:

  • change in research field locations (addition of new field sites)
  • alteration of the timing and methods of field research
  • an increase in the total number of person days of field research
  • an increase in the amount of water to be used and/or waste to be generated
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Person Days of Field Research
Number of Person Days of field research in current year: (# of researchers x # of days in field)
Caching of Fuel for Research Purposes
Will you cache fuel on Crown or Inuit-Owned Lands to undertake field research activity?
Cache Size (amount of fuel in litres) Fuel Type Cache Location (UTM or Lat/Long) Container Type/Size Proposed Removal Date Operations

* You must notify the Lands Division at CIRNAC in advance if you intend to cache fuel on Federal Crown Lands in Nunavut. Notification is required within 30 days of establishing the cache. You must also apply in advance to the appropriate Regional Inuit Association for permission to cache fuel on Inuit-Owned Lands in Nunavut.

Water Use and Waste Disposal
Will you be accessing surface waters for potable use or research purposes?

Will you be accessing surface waters for potable use or research purposes?

If Yes, please provide the following details:

Volume of water to be used/day (in Liters)

Proposed water retrieval methods

Proposed water retrieval (source) location

Please note: You are permitted to use up to 50 cubic meters of water per day in Nunavut without obtaining a licence from the Nunavut Water Board (NWB); however, you must apply to the NWB for authorization to use water without a license. Any water use in excess of 50 cubic meters of water may require a Class A license from the Water Board.

Will you deposit sewage to a sump?

Will you deposit sewage to a sump?

If Yes, have you applied to the Nunavut Water Board for approval to deposit waste without a license (required for any deposit of sewage to a sump in Nunavut)?
Map of Research Field Locations

Please attach a map at an appropriate scale with coordinates and points showing the locations of field research camps, lines showing the length and direction of major research transects, and/or polygons demarcating research field study areas.

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Authorizations and Permits required for the Project

Check all that are required for your project:

Name of Permit/Authorization Required? Has the authorization been approved?

Nunavut Planning Commission Conformity Review


Nunavut Planning Commission Conformity Review


Land Use Permit (Federal Crown Land or Inuit Owned Land)


Nunavut Planning Commission Conformity Review


License to Fish for Scientific Purposes (DFO)


Canadian Wildlife Service Permit(s)


Parks Canada Permit(s)


Nunavik and/or Eeyou Marine Region Review


Other Authorizations (please specify)

Signature of Applicant
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Enter the characters shown in the image.